Nine times out of ten someone else is going to have to use your artwork - whether to make amends, or create a new piece of artwork - so when you create your artwork try to keep it simple, especially if you are a freelancer.
There's nothing worse than opening up someone else's artwork to discover that, although it looks okay in preview mode and even prints fine, its a dogs dinner, e.g. there's a boxed out panel made from a transparent text box, laid over a different sized, coloured picture box all grouped together with two lines for borders and just left loose in its position on the page.
All of which could have been done as a table which, as part of the text chain, will flow with any text amends. The table cell will automatically expand if more text is inserted into it (as would an automatically sizing text frame).
If you can do something with just one element why would you use five, just because that's how you muddled your way through the first time you sat in front of InDesign? If you can create a new piece in such a way that no extra work is involved to change it then do it THAT WAY.